Packaged gas treatment plant (PGTP)

Packaged gas treatment plant (PGTP)

Packaged gas treatment plant is an integrated set of technological equipment designed for the preparation of natural gas with the required parameters, as well as custody or process flow metering of consumed fuel gas.

The process package includes:

  • Gas treatment equipment for removing mechanical impurities and liquid, which includes filters and separators with automatic liquid drain. The filter-separator, designed to clean natural gas from mechanical impurities and liquid droplets, is equipped with filter cartridges, the filtration capacity of which is provided by special non-woven materials with hydrophobic impregnation
  • Custody gas flow metering unit
  • Control and power distribution panels
  • Natural gas calorimeter unit
  • Isolation joints at the inlet and outlet of the PGTP
  • Electrical equipment, ventilation, alarm systems
  • When tied to specific operating conditions of the PGTP, the technological equipment set additionally includes: a condensate collection tank with a service platform, security valves

The proposed PGTP are equipped with the necessary auxiliary systems: ventilation, heating, gas and fire detection, fire extinguishing, automatic control system. There is a possibility of manufacturing equipment for various climatic conditions, including arctic design.


  • Separation of liquid phase emissions (water condensate, hydrocarbons)
  • Absolute gas cleaning from droplet liquid
  • Gas cleaning from mechanical impurities (level of purification down to 1 micron)
  • Preheating the gas before pressure reducing (if necessary)
  • Gas pressure reducing
  • Gas heating after pressure reducing (if necessary)
  • Gas drying (if necessary)
  • Automatic standby initiation, if available
  • Condensate collection (water, hydrocarbons) in a stand-alone vessel
  • Gas flow measuring, including custody transfer
  • Gas analysis in calorimeters (if necessary)

All the functions named above are performed fully automatically by the ACS of PGTP, which is installed in a separate compartment of the BPPG compartment or in a separate room of the customer.


Gas parameters at the inlet:

  • Gas working pressure: from 0 to 6.3 MPag
  • Equipment design pressure: from 0.6 MPa to 6.3 MPag
  • Gas temperature: from -40 to 60°С
  • Gas flow (working conditions) from 1000 to 300,000 m3/h

Gas parameters at the outlet:

  • Gas cleaned from liquid droplets and mechanical impurities larger than 1 μm (the exact size is specified by the customer inthe technical task)
  • The maximum permissible gas pressure losses in the PGTP are specified by the customer in the technical task. The minimum value is 0.005 MPa with a clean filter
  • It is possible to increase the gas temperature at the outlet of the PGTP to 130°C. Heating is performed using the customer's hot water system, or an independent hot water system with a boiler unit installed in the PGTP